1983-90 Henry H. Banks, MD
1990-92 Richard M. Ryan, Jr., D.Sci, ad interim
1992-94 Morton Madoff, MD
1995-2002 John T. Harrington, MD
2002 Nicholaos E. Madias, MD, ad interim
2003-09 Michael Rosenblatt, MD
2010- Harris A Berman, MD
Earlier deans are listed on p. 307 of Dean Banks' A Century of Excellence: The History of TUSM, 1893-1993. HHSL Stacks W 19 T915B 1993.
Deans of all schools are listed in the Tufts Fact Book, which is available online from 2001+: http://provost.tufts.edu/institutionalresearch/fact-book/ . Please inquire for earlier years, which are held in our Collections Management.